Henegar Counseling Center

Our staff of licensed professionals includes psychologists, marriage and family therapists, and counselors who are trained to come alongside those of any age who are hurting.

With clinical skills and compassion, our staff is equipped to help with:

Abuse and Trauma
Addictions and Recovery Support
Anxiety and Depression
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Child and Adolescent Issues
Divorce Recovery
Eating Disorders
Grief and Loss
Life Coaching
Marriage, Family, and Parenting
Other Relationship Challenges
Psychological Testing and Evaluation
Seniors’ Issues
Sexual Issues and Addictions
Singles’ Issues
Spiritual Questions and Struggles
Meet Our Staff
Make an Appointment

Specialized Services

Group Therapy

A variety of group counseling options are available. Group therapy is intended as a supplement to individual counseling.  Contact the office for a list of current group openings.

Women's Support Group
Open Process Group Flyer